Saturday, May 20, 2017

Seattle Children's Theater

This week we visited Seattle Children's Theater,
we had a beautiful day for a picnic outside,

and perfect seats to enjoy the performance.

The ride home on the bus can be a bit exhausting.
The kids are still exploring Newton's Law of Motion,
this time we used balloon rockets on a string demonstrating that for  every
reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction.  (mostly it was just fun!)

When the sun finally made an appearance at the end
of the week, 
we took the opportunity to do a nature survey of the neighborhood.

Is there anything cuter than a bunch of kids with clipboards?
It would be impossible to list all of the activities the kids are working on as the school year starts to wind down.  Just this week we have been learning inside and outside the classroom.  Books are being written, math concepts explored, the beautiful work of Eric Carle has been inspected and reproduced, trips have been taken and science has fascinated us.  We've had mentors and adults in the class to give us a hand and we participated in the school art show.  All of this learning and exploring takes place within the context of being a good friend and being kind to one another.  It's a lot of work in one week!


  1. It's really satisfying to see the children,getting education.An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.May God bless these angels.

  2. Aw, these are such cute and adorable kids, though I have had plenty of experience with children of these ages to know they can be very annoying.
