Friday, September 30, 2016

Baking soda + vinegar = FUN

Everybody had their own method
of adding the colored vinegar
to the mountain of baking soda on their tray.
We discovered there was a lot of erupting going on
but the biggest eruption happened
when you just poured 
the container of vinegar
right on top!
Math mentors were back this week,
we were working on a game called "Race to the Top" using dice.

We introduced chemical reactions this week in the Ladybug and Bumblebee classes.  There is nothing better than the foaming and spewing from the classic baking soda and vinegar eruption.  We love our science labs on a Thursday!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Grandparent/Special Friends Day

Before our guests arrived on Friday, we spent some time with our  math mentors.
Today the kids used dice to work on number recognition, one to one correspondence and simple equations.  (and they thought it was just a fun game!) 

The Ladybugs loved having visitors in our classroom for Grandparent/Special Friends Day.  They were so excited to show their guests around the classroom, get their pictures taken, visit the Book Fair and share cake with them.  A big thank you to all of our guests for sharing this special time with our children.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bike Day!

This picture seems so full of promise to me.  I love all the bikes waiting for the kids.


She was getting very brave!


We love bike day at Seabury.  It was a beautiful morning full of laughter and lots of "watch me"!  This was a perfect opportunity for playing with our classmates and the Bumblebees in the sunshine.  When we were finished riding, we graphed the different kinds of wheeled vehicles, bells and horns, and helmets.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


We're working on number sense in the Ladybugs,

we're learning the skill of recognizing quantities without counting,

turns out it's more fun to do this if you make it into a pattern!

"Dot Day", one of my favorite celebrations of children's literature,

we love the opportunity to work as a community and build relationships

that include all of the children and adults at Seabury.

Our investigation of apples includes a tasting of 4 varieties of apples,

Honey crisp was the clear winner!
Our investigation of apples is in full swing!  We are learning about the life cycle of apples, the different kinds of apples, what you can make with apples and our favorite-tasting apples!  We use the model "I think", "I wonder" and "I discovered" as a way to encourage more thoughtful observations and critical thinking.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Week Two in the Ladybugs

It's been a busy week as we continue to get acquainted and learn the new routine.  We've been to all of the specialists now and worked with our mentors twice this week.  We did our first scientific observations and had First Friday.  We even had time to try out the sandbox.
