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Finger painting is good for a lot of things-sensory work, creative expression and practicing name writing. |
Lunch after the play performance. |
We are continuing our study of community. Today the milkman came for a visit. |
We love it when Ms. Suzanne comes to sing with us! |
It's hard work to make an apple pie. First you have to peel the apples. |
Then you have to cut up the apples. |
Then you can measure the peels. |
Some preferred the standing up method of measuring. |
Others laid them out flat. |
It's amazing how much learning we can pack into a week of school! Finger painting, just for fun? Fun, yes, but it's also an opportunity for fine motor work and practice writing your name. Then we took a print of the finger painting, traced an apple on it, the kids cut it out and wrote their name on it. More fine motor work and name writing; important skills for young children. Making apple pie is fun and tastes good but it also gives us opportunities to talk about parts of the apple, the life cycle of the apple, how apple seeds compare with pumpkin seeds, and measuring the peel of the apples. Simple apple pie becomes science and math.